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Flea / ticks/ heart-worm Prevention & Treatment
We have all dealt with fleas one way or another. Some of us lucky ones have only had the pleasure of dealing with picking and keeping current with flea prevention on their pets. While some of us other unlucky pet owners have had to tackle a flea problem in our home. (If you are currently tackling a flea problem, skip below to learn more about how you can make your home flea free).
Fleas & ticks are more than just a headache, they carry many diseases that can affect both you & your pet. Bartonellosis is serious diseases which when transmitted to pets from fleas, can also lead to Cat scratch disease in people.
1) Ticks can attach to your dog while being outside, hiking, camping, or a walk in long grasses and weeds. If your dog has just been in a grassy, bushy area, it is a good idea to check and brush your dog. If you find a tick on your dog, remove it with tweezers and wash the bite wound, your hands, and the tweezers. Although ticks are not very common in our city, over the years we have seen a handful of cases with pets that have been brought in with ticks attached to them.
2) Fleas are also capable of transmitting tapeworms to your pets, although fleas are not the only way your pet may have gotten tapeworms.
Fleas are very common in our area, especially during the 9-10 warmer months of the year. Prevention is the best course of action to protect your pet and yourself from these parasites. At Greenwood we have made available many, safe, tested products for you to choose from that are generally not available from non-veterinary establishments.
Some tips* from Dr. Zile to tackle an existing flea treatment at home:
1. Use any medication provided by us or your veterinarian.
2. Start your pet on a FDA approved Flea preventative medication such as Frontline/Advantage/Bravecto/Revolution/Triphexix/ Comfortis/etc.
3. Flea bomb your house, if this is not achievable - thoroughly vacuum all the carpet areas, pets bedding, and any furniture that is made of textile. You may need to do this on a weekly basis for severe infestations.
4. Bath your pet with a flea preventative shampoo. It is important to follow the directions on the label as not all shampoos are safe for all pets (especially young puppies & kittens). At Greenwood, we provide a safe, flea bath service, which you can set up via email or phone. Often owners find it convenient to drop off their pet for a bath while they clean/bomb their home.
5. Have your veterinarian assess your pet if a flea problem has not resolved in 3-4 months.
*These tips are designed to guide pet owners tackle a flea problem, if you are unfamiliar with any of these steps or need clarification please talk to your veterinarian before self-treating your pet as some of these medications can be toxic to pets when administered wrongly.
Click Here to download an informational FAQ regarding fleas to help you solve a current problem & prevent any future problems.
3) Heartworm disease is a life-threatening disease from mosquitos and is seen almost all over our country. However this serious disease can be prevented in a simple and effective way by getting your pet tested and protected year-around. Please contact us today for an appointment.